The Healthful Vegan Diet
‘Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.’ ~ Hippocrates​
Eat plants.
Those two words are the best most of us have learned about diet, and if you stick to that, you’re likely to be pretty healthy.
That said, eating a vegan diet (no animal products) doesn’t necessarily equate to a healthy diet, despite what many believe.
Yes, vegans on average are healthier and leaner than the average person. But that’s an average — there are unhealthy vegans.
How is that possible? You can eat lots of sweets, fried foods, processed foods, foods with white flour (breads, cakes, cookies, pasta), and beer, and still be a vegan. And not super-healthy. If you've recently gone vegan, strive to transition your diet from the convenient vegan foods (prepared plant 'meats', pizzas, beer, delicious vegan sweets) to something much healthier.
Holistic Nutrition Degree
Zen Habits
Vegan Health and Fitness Magazine
Vegan Health
Plenteous Veg
Veg Health Guide
Vegan Fitness
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