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How Can I Make a Difference?

How can I?


'Becoming vegan is the most important and direct change we can immediately make to save the planet and its species' (source unknown). 


By switching to a plant-based diet, we are kind to the animals. We quite literally save the lives of the animals that we would otherwise have consumed. We also spare many animals like those in the dairy industry the suffering entailed, for example that of cows artificially kept in lactation and having their calves ripped away from them, and that of male calves allowed no contact with their mothers before being sent to their cruel end.


We are also kind to ourselves. There is ample evidence that a plant-based diet is not only healthier than any other, but actively protects us against diseases such as arterial disease and cancer.


Lastly we are kind to the environment. By going plant-based or vegan, we help to lighten the great burden that animal farming has placed on the environment.


We could also help by supporting one of the environmental groups and organisations that are working to benefit the environment.


Environmental groups/organisations and related links 


Here are a few examples.


Organisations and centres

Earthlife Africa -

Greenpeace Africa -

The World Wildlife Fund (WFF) -

The Wildlife and Environment Society of SA (WESSA) -

The Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) -


Also see the WWF 2015 Report on Farming Facts and Futures here:


Environmentally friendly products

Harmless House -

GreenHome -

Woolworths - a range of earth-friendly cleaning products, a cosmetics and bath range and make-up. The BWC and Vegan Society SA websites (see and both have helpful lists indicating which of these products are vegan and which are only vegetarian. All of the Woolworths products mentioned are endorsed by BWC (i.e. not tested on animals).

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