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Kind Lifestyle

Kindness as a way of life


Kindness today

speak! advocates kindness towards all sentient beings, including our fellow humans, non-human animals and the environment: the three elements that speak! stands for. Through the ages, the balance between the environment, people and animals has broken down, however we believe that the one cannot exist optimally without the other, and that ultimately one cannot survive without 'kindness' to the other. Thus we promote the highest degree of 'kindness' among these three elements.


'Kindness' implies a natural affection and friendship, but it actually means more than that. It also indicates kinship, underlining the notion that everything is related: people, animals and the environment. What happens to one group affects all the others. When we harm one of the components in speak!, we harm all. We can only do good for one if all are benefited by our deeds. We cannot speak out or act for one group unless we further the wellbeing of all aspects of speak!. In their original meanings, both kin and kindness connote the natural order. Our aim is to return to this order of compassion and fellow-feeling to make ours a better world for all.


Although we support all kindness shown by humans toward other humans, in 2016 we are focussing more of our effort on kindness towards our fellow animals and towards the environment, as we believe that these are the areas most in need of change in order to bring about the healing of the entire system consisting of people, environment and animals. Ultimately people cannot be healed if our relationship with our fellow earth-dwellers and with the earth itself is not healed.







As a physician specialising in neurosurgery at an academic medical center, I appreciate the unhappiness many patients have with the present healthcare delivery system that is rushed, bureaucratic, non-caring and technology-focused. In the US we spend more per capita than any other industrialised country, yet the outcomes are some of the worst in the world, […]

The Human Kindness Foundation


'The cause of all our personal problems and nearly all the problems of the world can be summed up in a single sentence: Human life is very deep, and our modern dominant lifestyle is not.' - Bo Lozoff

Random Acts of Kindness Foundation


We're the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, though we also go by 'RAK'. We believe that the world will be a significantly better place if we encourage the spread of kindness in schools, communities and homes - so we try to enable that in whatever way we can.

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