Vegan Sites
The collection of vegan lifestyle guides.
The VEGAN lifestyle ASSOCIATION is here for anyone who wants to live a greener, healthier and more ethical way of life. We welcome everyone - whether you're an omnivore, flexitarian, vegetarian, pescetarian, vegan or anywhere in between. We'll encourage and support you on your personal journey. This is an altruistic venture with the simple mission to save lives and save our planet. We're all volunteers, funded purely by donations and are registered not-for-profit.
Holistic Nutrition Degree
Holistic nutrition is all about getting the perfect blend of nutrients from healthy sources while avoiding foods with toxic additives and excess amounts of particular chemicals. Opting for a vegan diet is one way that many people transition to overall healthier eating, and it’s a great way to eliminate some of the most common unhealthy eating habits. Veganism is often chosen for moral reasons as well, but for anyone who wants to develop more holistically nutritious eating habits, the health benefits of avoiding animal products like meat and milk are a great incentive to give the vegan lifestyle a shot. Some of the awesome benefits of going vegan include:
Reducing consumption of animal growth hormones and other chemicals.
Increased intake of fiber and assorted nutrients found in vegetables.
Lowered intake of excess sugar, salt, and fat typically found in processed meats, cheeses, and other animal products.
Eat Drink Better
10 Top Vegan Lifestyle Sites
Think of these vegan lifestyle sites as a virtual support system on your vegan journey.
One of the things that I love best about my vegan lifestyle is connecting with other folks who are passionate about living compassionately. There are so many amazing vegan sites out there with recipes and vegan lifestyle tips, but what these sites have in common is personality.
We will be adding much more to all our pages, so this site will keep growing.
If you have any relevant links or suggestions, please mail us at